What Do You Need In An Investment Management Relationship?
Performance, personalization and a relationship with a manager you can trust…
Pillar Capital is a fee-only, DFA approved Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). We are completely independent - our expertise is tailoring your unique goals and circumstances with a customized portfolio of assets which helps you best achieve those objectives.
In order to accomplish this, Pillar Capital:
Provides a platform with institutional-quality funds which target the most attractive dimensions of each asset class
Regularly educates investors to help them exercise proper stewardship
“Culture of Value-Add” (great service, low management fees/low trading costs/low taxes, high performance at given levels of risk, etc…)
Meet the Tools
Pillar Capital uses very powerful asset class tools (DFA funds) to extract the maximum amount of value from each asset class. In the hands of a professional - these funds can produce a risk-adjusted return superior to the market over time. After all, the S&P 500 does not begin to describe the breadth of asset classes available. In fact, exposure to a wide variety of attractive asset classes can reduce risk while at the same time increasing average returns. Of course, this allocation must be unique to the investor - because for your investing experience to be successful – it must be personal.
No philosophy of investing will be successful without being deeply rooted in the history of how markets and asset classes behave. This objective history combined with research by leading academics has contributed to Pillar’s philosophy or “discipline” of how money should be managed.