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Pillar Capital Blog

You Get What You Deserve Thumbnail

You Get What You Deserve

We may or may not like the government and institutions we have or for that matter the people who lead them – but they are a reflection of our collective societal values. Those who would like different election results will find that their greatest influence will come by way of education in the family and wielding neighborhood influence as opposed to anger directed at opponents.

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Self Inflicted Wounds Thumbnail

Self Inflicted Wounds

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” - US Constitution (Thomas Jefferson)

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Trouble for the Poor - why they suffer from inflation Thumbnail

Trouble for the Poor - why they suffer from inflation

The last global pandemic was 104 years ago. The last time a sovereign European nation was attacked unprovoked was during WWII, about 83 years ago. The last time inflation was this high was 40-plus years ago. The last time inflation was this much higher than interest rates was over 70 years ago.

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Why A Will Is Never Enough Thumbnail

Why A Will Is Never Enough

This just in: life and families are messy. “Messy” not only describes in many cases the relationships but also the finances of even some of the most successful families.

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I Bonds for Inflation Thumbnail

I Bonds for Inflation

Without question this is the biggest monetary and fiscal mess I’ve experienced in my twenty-seven years as a financial advisor…

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